Differentiate between generative AI and human-written content. Use our AI text detector to accurately spot the content generated from BARD, Bing, ChatGPT, Claude, and other LLM-based chatbots.
The AI detector from grammarchecker.com is the go-to choice of most users for performing accurate and efficient text analysis. It uses sophisticated algorithms to precisely analyze and identify the origin of textual content. The tool can do all that with just one click. From processing a few lines to analyzing complete documents in one go, the power of our AI text detector is incredible. Whether you’re looking to identify the origin of a few words, some key phrases, or a complete document, our tool ensures reliable results. So, get started on this journey to discover the involvement of generative AI by using this AI detector without creating an account or spending a dime.
Identifying the origin of textual content using our AI detector doesn’t require you to be a technology nerd. You only have to perform the following steps:
Begin by entering the text in the provided space.
Hit the ‘Check AI Content’ button to process the input.
This AI content checker will take a few moments to finalize the results.
Once finalized, it will highlight the traces of human and AI-generated content.
Machine-generated text is a scrapped version of existing material. Therefore, it follows a specific writing pattern. Even if you use a variety of LLM-based tools to generate textual content, they will still follow the same writing pattern because that’s how they have been trained. This is the major drawback of generative AI content, which is a blessing in disguise for our AI text detector.
Since the algorithms of this tool have been trained with the extensive data patterns of both human-written and AI-generated text, it can accurately spot their writing patterns. Therefore, when you process a piece of text with our tool, it relies on its training to compare the patterns of your input with the writing style of humans and machines. If this AI content checker finds any matches, it highlights those instances.
The extensive range of features of this AI text detector should encourage you to choose it for AI content detection. Here are some salient characteristics of this web utility:
Our tool has no learning curve. It presents all the options in a clean and well-organized manner. Courtesy of its intuitive UI, users can get started with it right away.
Irrespective of the text’s length, the speed of this AI content checker remains fast. Due to being based on algorithms, it can accurately identify the ratio of machine-generated and human-written content in a text of any length.
This AI text detector is a visually rich tool. It uses two different colors to highlight the traces of AI-generated and human-written text. Therefore, our tool makes it easier for its users to differentiate between AI and human content in a lengthy document.
Our tool uses a percentage-presentation mechanism to provide the users with the exact ratio of human and machine-generated content.
The AI detection threshold of this web utility is completely customizable. After each session, it asks the users for feedback. Based on the provided results, our tool modifies the power of its AI content detection engine accordingly.
Artificial intelligence has made it easier for people to cheat. Nowadays, people just input a prompt in an LLM-based chatbot to automate their tasks. However, individuals do not realize that machine-generated text is not completely original. It is basically a modified form of existing material. Therefore, when you use such text, search engines penalize your website or blog. To evade situations like these, AI text detectors come into the picture. An AI content checker makes it easier for people to differentiate between machine-generated and human-written text. Individuals can use this tool to bring transparency to a world filled with AI content.